The Best Planning at the Right Timing : yours !

You lack time most of all - so quit being busy.  Relax a bit, take your time so as not to waste your life! 
Work better, work less, but  at the  right  moment !

You don't need to work for long,
all you need is the  right  moment !

A new service,  ChronoDynamie®, enables you to organize your day and your company hours.

In order to adapt yourself (and to adapt your company) to a new way of working, in chosen time, shared time, alternate, flexible - during the day, the week and
the year you need a new tool adapted to the needs of our world in evolution.

ChronoDynamie® traces graphs of your energy during the course of the
day, the week and the year.  In a period where it is urgent to find new
solutions of "chosen time" or "part" or "shared" time,
ChronoDynamie® brings an optimal framework for  better time management. ChronoDynamie® revolutionizes our work habits. We are still functioning
in a company culture inherited from the industrial 19th century,  but our schedules no longer correspond to our general needs, neither to our new possibilities of space-time, linked to communication technologies.

This system raises questions about received ideas and old habits, such as : " you've got to work even if you don't want to". It's not true.  You can't work efficiently for more than 6 hours a day.

Standing around at work is rarely stimulating or self-enhancing.  It leads to
absenteeism which in turn entails a very heavy cost for the whole company. Legal hours of presence in the workplace  are no longer adapted to company needs or to consumer
demand;  they are a source of stress for management  and often a source of frustration and under motivation for wage-earners who feel undervalued.

ChronoDynamie® puts everything back in place.
By working only during hours when you're on form, and according to more flexible schedules, you can work over less time, for much better results, while preserving the quality of your life, and that of your family. The balance is respected between the needs of the company and those of its staff.

Marie - Hélène Le Doze, author of the concept of ChronoDynamie says:

" I directed a seasonal restaurant for 12 years and applied chosen work schedules as from 1976.

At that period I didn't have the tools that I have created since. But I
observed  that my staff was not on form at certain moments of the day. Some were dynamic  when they were in the morning team, others could  finish late in the evening without  a smile leaving their face. .. I  myself  wasn't on form during  the lunchtime service,  although I had been able to prepare the restaurant and deal with orders in the morning before anyone arrived;  when I was on my evening service at 7 p.m. I was dreadfully efficient and on my high-tech days my personal cerebral computer functioned at full capacity  to manage the reception of a 100 persons at the same time by organizing  an excellent rotation of tables !

I  dearly wanted everything  the go off well,  both in the interests of my clients  and my staff,  the one going with the other in my view. We decided together  the  organization of teams (morning, afternoon and evening). Each person could choose according to his/her rhythm and work needs. What was fascinating was the excellent communication between teams, a bit like that established during the half - hour of transmission between nursing teams in hospitals. I hired more people than other establishments, my teams were more numerous during hours when we had a full-house, less numerous when there were fewer clients. 
Staff schedules were flexible. The daily average was 6 hours per day over 6 days, i.e. around 36 hours per week (at that period,  French hours of equivalence in restaurants was 52 hours).

Salaries were just as high as in establishments that "used" their personnel 10 hours per day 7 days a week. Wage-earners were always on form and happy to be at work because their time of presence was put to profitable use. Results were beneficial for clients, the staff and the company.

This system did not prevent the crises that always occur in any human group, but they were settled in a better way. When I nearly died during the night of 31 July/1 August, 1984 (home page in French), in  the full tourist season, my business might have crumbled in a few days. I saw  the solidarity of my teams and the confidence of my clients tighten round me. I was able to face up to problems.  I learned some important lessons that I am happy to pass on to you now. Although I have completely changed my profession,  I have kept up excellent relationships with my staff of  that  period and with a number of my clients.

If this behavior was possible in the 80's, it  is even more so now that we have an effective tool to tell us when to organize company needs in relation to human resources.

Don't say that it is impossible to change the structure of a company.
Today, we must  find other ways of working,  rather than  the inherited productivity of the industrial 19th century that asked human beings to adapt to economic demands - which is perhaps profitable in the short term but never in the long term.

Today, more than ever, it is urgent to adopt solutions that conform to the evolution in ways of production, services and life-styles. Humans are not standard clones. We each have our personal rhythm and we can all be complementary, thanks to the new service of ChronoDynamie®. By sharing work when we are on form, we will be able to work less and there will be work for all.... life-enhancing work for everyone.

* "TO WORK LESS MEANS WORK FOR ALL" (Travailler moins pour travailler tous) is the title of a book by Guy Aznar, a French sociologist, specializing in new work forms. ChronoDynamie® completes the gamut of advice tools for companies, enabling a better quality in work and life.

Who is ChronoDynamie® aimed at? At YOU!

  • company managers, liberal professions, artisans, businessmen wanting to optimize your efforts and those of your staff,
  • decision-makers,  planners and anyone who wants to keep the mastery of a timetable for a real efficiency,
  • men and women wanting  to keep a balanced rhythm between their public and private life,
  • international travelers who need to avoid ruptures in their rhythm so as to recuperate more rapidly,
  • people in risk professions or undertaking dangerous missions who should be aware of their accident-prone periods,
  • as well as sportsmen and adventurers who want to beat records without life-threatening incidents.

    ChronoDynamie ® is for everyone who wants to keep all the odds on their side both in work and personal life.

    You will be able to deal with essential tasks, make important decisions and arbitrations, during high phases (like seeing your best clients, your banker, or to negotiate a contract for example). Repetitive tasks which don't need  initiative can be relegated to low phases.  If you are a wage-earner at home, working in  chosen, or shared time, you can obtain superior performances in your work, and keep more time free for yourself, your family, your friends and your relationships.
    If you are training, you will be more attentive and will draw full benefit from your course.

    To know your partners rhythms allows you  to optimize your work relations with your secretary, your associate, your collaborator, and you will avoid many conflicts or  losses in time and energy.

    For example: a sportsman and his/her trainer will enhance their efforts by eliminating poor communication risks.

    You will be able to choose professions necessitating night work, or  part-time ... if that suits you better. Creative people often have high ChronoDynamie® graphs the night, people in show-business, the afternoon and the evening. You will not choose a job beyond your capabilities.

    Finished  professional stress!

    When you disembark you alter your watch,  but you struggle against the time gap and jet lag. By making a calculation of  your ChronoDynamie® for the time zone of your destination, you put your own clock at the right time, and you know how to adapt your actions to your possibilities, without stress or failure.

    Finished the stress of travel !

    To know the period of your  best form and your low periods, is essential for you, who want to live and remain in good form, to preserve the quality of your life, your company and your close relations.

    It is good to be dynamic and never to be snowed under. 

    Available presentations on internet:

    1) three modules to start off:
    - the C / D DAY (synoptic table of 6 graphs and numerical results)
    for the organization of the day

    - the C / D YEAR (synoptic table of 6 graphs and numerical  results)
    for the organization of the year throughout the seasons

    - the C / D WEEK for the optimization of the week (1 graph, 1 table)

    2) a CHRONO KIT  made up of  these three modules (Day,  Week, Year )

    3) a optimized Planning for best organization of your work and leisures

    4) an explanatory brochure: the C / D BUSINESS  for PERFORMANCE to fully understand the use of your graphs in your professional life;  it analyzes form concepts  that enables performance and gives you adapted  practical advice. 
    (you can download the different files onto ChronoDynamie® site - in French for the moment). But a synopsis is send with your files.

    The C / D enables  you to apply appropriately to your personal rhythm all the management advice concerning  time that you learned  during your professional seminaries or continuous training programs.

    So do not hesitate! ChronoDynamie® is going to change your life! 
    acronym C / D

    motto" Carpe Diem "(Pluck the day). 
    Efficient time reserved for those who no longer want to earn a living by losing their life.

     Individual Order on line

    International travel, circumnavigation, tourism, businesses, sport, show-business.

    N.B. The author and the editor can not be held responsible for the use or abuse of ChronoDynamie® through the techniques and advice given here. C/D is not a medical method and can in no way be considered a substitute for any prescribed therapy or treatment. It is a complementary management tool which allows for a better use of all existing techniques by applying them to the relevant hours, days and periods. A personal service.

    Write to me if you have need of further information :
    "Carpe Diem", pluck the day, profit from the passing moment.
    All rights reserved ACD Carpe Diem ©1998-2002 (Bretagne-FR-Europa)
    ChronoDynamie®  Conception and graphics by Marie-Hélène Le Doze. Translated by Penelope Dulling